**What's new?** * PI: DOE [EXPRESS](https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/department-energy-announces-11-million-exploratory-research-extreme-scale-science) grant, $400k for two years, with Dr. [Liang Kong](https://liangkong.net/) and [Andrei N. Migunov](https://anmigunov.com/). A full award list can be found [here](https://science.osti.gov/-/media/funding/pdf/Awards-Lists/2950-ASCR-EXPRESS-Awards-List.pdf). * [The 28th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA 28),](https://dna28.cs.unm.edu/) Aug 8-12, Albuquerque, NM. I am going to present our joint work *Computing Real Numbers with Large-Population Protocols Having a Continuum of Equilibria*, joint work with Rachel Huls, my undergraduate researcher. * [International conference on computability, complexity and randomness (CCR)](https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/SASW09/), Online event. * Mar, 2022: My second child, Wenyu(问渔) was born in Springfield, IL. * [The 27th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA 27).](http://dna27.iopconfs.org/home) * July 2021: Our paper titled *Asymptotic divergences and strong dichotomy* was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. * Aug, 2020: I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis. * Aug, 2020: I became an assistant professor at [UI Springfield](http://www.uis.edu). * May , 2020: My first child, Wenqiao(问樵) was born in Syracuse, NY. # [Old](old/old_news.md.html)